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The Distinction Between Body, Mind, And Soul.

Let's approach this in a way that honors both the empirical knowledge that comes from scientific study and the wisdom that flows from ions of humans having spiritual experiences.

The Body

The body is the most tangible and immediate aspect of our being. It is the physical vessel through which we experience the world. Scientifically, it is a network of biological systems—cells, tissues, organs—that operate through electrochemical signals. It is influenced by genetic inheritance, environmental factors, and biological rhythms. These are the only parts of our human experience that we can physically see. From a metaphysical perspective, the body is also an instrument that allows us to interact with different planes of reality. This translates to the body’s profound ability to be the storehouse of what is subconscious, in a way acting as a deeper mind, the subconscious mind is distributed throughout the body, woven into the nervous system, muscles, and tissues. Trauma, emotions, and unresolved experiences become "stored” or encoded into the body as tension, pain, or other somatic symptoms, (as noted by Bessel van der Kolk). When the mind cannot fully process or comprehend, instead of trying to in that moment, which might put us in danger, the body steps in and stores those unprocessed emotions and experiences.

This means that while we might not be thinking about something consciously, it’s still affecting us. The body "remembers" the experience by holding onto tension, pain, or other physical symptoms. This is what people mean when they say, "the body keeps the score"—it keeps track of the stuff our conscious mind can’t or doesn’t process right away.

The Mind

The mind is where thoughts, emotions, memories, and consciousness reside. Neuroscience describes it as emerging from brain function—cognitive processes like perception, reasoning, and decision-making. But from both ancient spiritual and shamanic perspectives, the mind is also a gateway to deeper realms. Many think of the body as the gateway to deeper realms but this is not what we see in most people’s experience, it is the imaginative power of the mind that can travel and go to other places.

The mind can bend reality through intention and perception. Thought patterns are not just neurological signals; they are energy, capable of influencing both internal states and external circumstances. In this view, the mind acts as a mediator between the physical body and the non-material aspects of existence.

The Soul

The soul is where things stretch beyond what science fully explains. In modern spiritual contexts, the soul is often seen as the essence of who we are—our core, eternal self. It transcends the physical body and mind, existing beyond time and space. Many traditions see the soul as the part of us that connects with universal consciousness or divine energy.

It's the seat of intuition, purpose, and our deeper sense of meaning. From a shamanic perspective, the soul is intimately connected to the web of life, moving through various cycles, growing, learning, and evolving beyond the constraints of the physical world.

The Interaction Between Body, Mind, and Soul

These three layers—body, mind, and soul—are distinct but deeply interconnected. The body is the expression of the soul's experiences in the material world. The mind serves as a translator, processing and making sense of experiences from both the body and the soul. When all three are in harmony, we feel aligned and whole; when there’s imbalance, illness or dis-ease can manifest.

- For the body, imbalance may appear as a physical illness.

- For the mind, imbalance might be seen in mental health issues, stress, or confusion.

- For the soul, the imbalance manifests as a loss of purpose or a sense of disconnection from life’s deeper meaning.

As a scientifically trained individual who has also walked the spiritual path, I can attest that these distinctions are not just theoretical—they are lived experiences. While science provides us with a powerful framework for understanding the mechanics of the body and mind, spiritual wisdom offers insight into the soul and the deeper layers of reality. The two are not in conflict but are complementary ways of exploring existence. When combined, they give us a fuller picture of what it means to be human.